Hi, I'm Sophie, a startup founder.

I'm one of the co-founders & CEO of Polymath.

Polymath imagines a world where the most exciting digital experience is one where kids can learn in a self-directed, integrated, expansive, and exciting way.  We’re starting with maths (check out the OECD rates and you’ll see why) but we won’t stop until kids don’t need to go to school anymore (they probably still will).

I graduated from UCL in 2019 with a B.A.Sc., where I studied a bit of everything – from fine art to psychology and quantitative methods to philosophy. My dissertation considered the ways in which chat interfaces could assist in communication with individuals who are suffering from depression and isolation, combining my study of psychology with story-telling and technology.

In 2020 while working in consulting, I started Polymath with my co-founder. It was born out of frustration with an outdated and exhausted education system, driving us to build an evidence-based learning algorithm that fills in the gaps that are being left behind. We're starting an evolution in the way children learn.

Outside of time with family and friends, my downtime can be represented by my Spotify, Goodreads, Letterboxd, and Strava profiles which often show a great deal of neglect but a noted effort. I'm also a passionate but out-of-practice artist and someday I hope to return to illustration, documentary photography and filmmaking.

I love talking to like-minded people and those on similar journeys so always feel free to reach out for a chat!